ST PAUL'S YEAR 3Welcome to year 3


In Year 3, you will go on an extraordinary adventure and throughout the year

You will learn lots about life in the Stone Age, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome! You will also learn lots about Volcanoes and Earthquakes as well as what life is like in a different country. We hope that by using high-quality texts to enrich some truly tantalising Geography and History topics that we will leave you wanting to know even more. We cannot wait to start learning with you in September!

Within the first half term, we will be diving into our History curriculum by exploring the following inquiry question: Would you prefer to live during the Stone Age or Iron Age? In this scheme of learning, we will be exploring the concept of chronology whilst trying to understand what life was like during the Stone Age. We will be considering aspects of culture, farming and technology and study how this has changed over time. We will be doing this using a range of historical sources and evidence as well as high-quality topic-related texts such as ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. We will also study key Stone Age monuments such as Stonehenge, Skara Brae and the Lascaux Caves and try to understand why they are so significant.  

In Year 3, we will be supporting your child with their reading fluency, ability to retrieve information accurately as well as their overall enjoyment of reading. We hope you will read regularly with your child to support us with this. We will be working hard in the first half term to ensure that we can construct a variety of accurate and effective sentences, using conjunctions and a range of amazing adjectives and adverbs, in pieces of writing which link to our Stone Age topic. We will also be focusing on our handwriting and using the RWI programme to support with our spellings.
In Maths, we will be looking at place value and focusing on numbers up to 1,000. We will be using a range of representations to support our mathematical learning this half term, including number lines, dienes and part-whole models before looking at addition and subtraction. We will also be practicing our 2, 5 and 10 times tables before learning some new times tables together.
In Science, we will become Petrologists in order to answer the Big Question ‘Are all rocks the same?’ We will be comparing and grouping different types of rocks, as well as learning about fossils and the different types of soil. We will work scientifically and conduct experiments to observe changes over time.
In RE, we will be exploring the question ‘What is it like to follow God?’ where we will look at the Old and New Testament and explore the story of Adam and Eve. We will also study the Salvation Army and weddings and how these are important for Christians.
In Computing, we will be exploring computing systems and computing networks. We will look at what the internet is, as well as the different types of networks that we can use. We will also learn about routers and servers.
In DT, we will be looking at eating seasonally. We will be exploring where different foods come from and making some delicious treats in class!
In PSHE, we will be following the Jigsaw scheme ‘Being Me in My World’ and understanding what this means for us.
In PE, we will be exploring different fundamental skills using the Core Real PE principles. We will be working on our co-ordination and balance as well as our agility
In year 3, the children will begin to learn French. Together, we will learn how to use basic greetings, to name different objects and to have a short conversation in a different language. We will also be learning the different colours as well as numbers up to 20.
In Music, we will be using Charanga to listen to and appraise different styles of music. We will also be learning about the pulse and beat of different styles of music as well as the rhythm and pitch.

YEAR 3Autumn term

We know you will enjoy Year 3 and create some great memories. We cannot wait to see you in September.

Curriculum Homework Topic Project

Looking forward to next half term…

In the second half of the Autumn Term, we will be learning about Volcanoes and Earthquakes in our Geography topic of ‘What if the ground started to move? which is extremely interesting! We will also be consolidating our learning on addition and subtraction before moving onto multiplication and division where we will start to learn our 3, 4 and 8 times tables! We explore Forces and Magnets in Science, recreate some Prehistoric Art as well as study Religious Festivals in RE. We will also be celebrating differences in PSHE. How exciting!
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024 7638 3323
Wiclif Way, Stockingford CV10 8NH