ST PAUL'S YEAR 1Welcome to year 1


We have some Curriculum Drivers to support our topic:

To have the opportunity to speak to mums of babies and toddlers and the elderly who will come to visit.
To conclude the topic, children will be looking at their futures and what they would like to achieve/ become.
Children will be asking questions about significant personal events (both in the local community and in their family home). Children will be finding out and asking questions about toys.
Understanding different family dynamics and cultures.
Showing tolerance and respect for the elderly and people in positions of authority during out of school visits.
Our Focus will be listening and speaking.

AUTUMN 1....

Autumn 1 was a huge success for year 1 and the children are already making so much progress!
Please see below photos of our fantastic windmills which we made in DT, some of our magical maths and our lovely tree walk as part of our Science topic.

NEW! Spellings:

New for this half term is the introduction of spellings homework. The children will be receiving their spellings to practise at home on a Friday and will then be tested on these the following Friday.

The spellings will be stuck into the children’s yellow Home-School Diaries and you can practise with the children however you wish! E.g. copying them out, adding rhymes and songs to the words; putting them on post-its around the house; playing matching game etc.

This is in addition to reading their Phonics books at least 3 x a week and also sharing the stories together from the Book Bags sent out weekly.


During English, we will be reading the books listed in the ‘core texts’ section. The children will be practising sequencing and re-telling the story, through story mapping and role play. Now that the children are more confident writing in full sentences after re-telling lots of fairy tales, we will explore using exclamation sentences, writing in the present tense using adjectives to describe and using the conjunction ‘and’.


Our Maths focus this half term will be gaining confidence with numbers up to 20, sorting and grouping objects, counting forwards and backwards, comparing (greater than and less than) and ordering. We will also learn about the properties of a range of 2D and 3D shapes.


The question for RE this half term is How and Why do we celebrate special times? The children will retell the Jewish story of Passover, learn about the Islam tradition of Ramadan and  Eid-ul-fitr and learn how Christians use the Nativity story to guide their beliefs and actions at Christmas.


Our Humanities learning will be based on ‘Who are our neighbours?’ This is a Geography-based topic and the children will be looking at the local area. This will include studying aerial maps, using a compass, identifying the human and physical features of the area and mapping out routes.


In Science, our new focus is ‘Everyday Materials’. The children will learn the names of different materials (plastic, wood, metal, glass, rock, water) and know that these can be described by their properties. They will also learn that these materials can be used to make objects.


The fundamental skills we will practise in PE will be dynamic balance to agility (jumping and landing) and static balance (seated). In Outdoor PE, we will reinforce these skills through a variety of games.


‘Celebrating differences’ is our focus for PSHE. This will entail learning how to accept that we are all different, knowing how we can work, play and solve problems, using kind words and knowing how to give and receive compliments.


In Art, we will be looking at the three formal elements of art: shape, line and colour. The children will be mixing and painting with secondary colours. They will use circles to create abstract compositions and work collaboratively to create a class piece of art inspired by water.

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St Paul’s Primary School © 2022.
All rights reserved.

024 7638 3323
Wiclif Way, Stockingford CV10 8NH